Goran Bogdanovski

May 16 at 8.00, May 17 and 18 at 7.00 pm
Venue: Gledališče Glej
Duration: 30 minutes

John is a dance solo about John. During the creative tour of the performance, Janez changes into John, back to Janez, and then into ????: Ljubljana, New York, Ljubljana, Moscow… Goran Bogdanovski is John, researching character together with director, Tomi Janežič. Bogdanovski passes through many embodiments: everything from a skinny boy to a Superhero to a Ghandi-like figure. With reference points in sound/music, John captures a palette of characters, his body and emotions changing before our eyes and captivating the viewer who cannot help but wonder what inner emotion is driving him. Is this the reverse of “method acting”, making his body do things and only later discovering the emotions? Who is John in your country?

Goran Bogdanovski is a choreographer, dancer, performer, teacher, and the artistic director of Fičo Ballet company. His early roots are in ballet and later ones in contemporary dance. He has collaborated with more than seventy choreographers and directors. He is the founder of Fičo Ballet. With several partners, he co-founded Gibanica, a Slovenian dance platform. He is one of the driving forces behind the educational research project, Nomad Dance Academy. His most frequently performed works are 1:0, Švic in švarc, Confi-dance…

Creation and performance: Goran Bogdanovski
Creative process and direction: Tomi Janežič
Music and sound: Tomaž Grom
Co-production: Fičo Ballet, Studio for research on art of acting, Gledališče Glej, MOSKVA Ballet Co., New Dance Alliance Inc.




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